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Received : 28-07-2024

Accepted : 04-09-2024

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­­­­­­Exploring surface diversification of polyvinyl alcohol/polyethylene glycol Composites by cold plasma: Ompact of Argon and oxygen plasmas on biomedical application

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Original Article

Author Details : Rajesh Kumar Mahanta, Smrutiprava Das*, Pranita Panda

Volume : 11, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 331-340

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Tetraethyl orthosilicate was used as a crosslinker to create composites made of polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol (PVA/PEG (PP)). The composites were exposed to non-thermal plasma (NTP) treatment with an Argon and oxygen gas mixture. The NTP treatment resulted in an improvement in surface hydrophilicity. Physiographical investigations indicated surface nanotexturing, but bulk properties were unaffected. After twenty days of exposure to air, there was no detectable ageing effect, showing that the NTP-modified composites were extremely robust. The composites swelled more in intestinal pH than at gastric pH. The NTP-modified composites shown significant Biofilm eradication activity against E. coli. Plasma treated composites shown Greater antibacterial activity against E.coli and enterobacilous bacteria. Mechanical properties enhances with application of different carrier gases in the non-thermal plasma process. Release characteristics of the composites validated the controlled delivery of anticancer drug sulforaphane to the intestine. Biodegradability character increases for the plasma treated composites over the subsequent days. It was also discovered that the hydrogels were biodegradable. PVA/PEG composites treated with O and Ar plasma are therefore effective for a variety of biomedical applications.

Keywords: Non thermal plasma, Composite, DBD reactor, Tensile strength

How to cite : Mahanta R K, Das S , Panda P , ­­­­­­Exploring surface diversification of polyvinyl alcohol/polyethylene glycol Composites by cold plasma: Ompact of Argon and oxygen plasmas on biomedical application. Int J Pharm Chem Anal 2024;11(4):331-340

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