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Received : 15-10-2024

Accepted : 21-11-2024

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Quantitative estimation & validation of paracetamol and lornoxicam by using hydrotropy solubilization phenomena

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Original Article

Author Details : Pooja Rathore*, Mohammad Saklain, Mo Rayyan, Mukesh Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal, Mohini Godke

Volume : 11, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 325-330

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Drug analysis used organic solvents, which are more expensive, hazardous, and polluting the environment. In order to present a straightforward, accurate, innovative, safe, and precise approach for determining the amounts of Lornoxicam (LOX) and Paracetamol (PCM) in bulk and tablet Dosage forms, an appropriate substitute for using organic solvents would be a hydrotropic solution. In order to perform spectrophotometric analysis, Lornoxicam and Paracetamol, which are poorly soluble in water, were dissolved from the fine powder of their tablets using urea solution, a hydrotropic agent. The suggested techniques are the simultaneous equation method and absorbance ratio method and the. LOX and PCM have respective ?max of 384 and 244 nm. In 8M urea (a hydrotropic agent), the concentration ranges were 2-10?g/ml (r2=0.999) and 20-60?g/ml (r2=0.999), respectively. LOX and PCM both follow Beer's law. Precision, Accuracy, and additional statistical evaluation values were discovered to be in good agreement with the recommended values after the proposed procedures were validated in accordance with ICH criteria.

Keywords: Paracetamol, Lornoxicam, Simultaneous equation method, Absorbance ratio method, Hydrotropic agent, Spectrophotometric analysis

How to cite : Rathore P, Saklain M, Rayyan M, Kumar M, Jaiswal M K, Godke M, Quantitative estimation & validation of paracetamol and lornoxicam by using hydrotropy solubilization phenomena. Int J Pharm Chem Anal 2024;11(4):325-330

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